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Basler : ACA2040-180KC

Basler ACA2040-180KC 1″ CMOS, 2048×2048, 180fps, color

By: Basler

Basler Industrial Machine Vision CCTV Security

Industrial Machine Vision And Network IP Cameras


This Basler camera family covers the entire range from cost sensitivity to ultra-fast high performance in a very small 42 x 29 x 29 mm housing. The Basler ace series includes CCD and CMOS camera models featuring the most popular resolutions from VGA to 5 megapixels with a fast throughput of up to 340 fps in monochrome and color. The Basler ACA2040 180KC cameras have a price-driven design that maintains our quality commitment by leveraging the technical knowledge we gained from our scout and pilot cameras and from our earlier A series cameras.

With the ace series, you can choose from the two most popular data interfaces in the vision market: the field-proven Camera Link interface with the widest bandwidth or the new de facto standard of GigE Vision, which is based on standard Ethernet technology. Both variants of the Basler ace family offer the option of providing camera power and data via a single cable or providing camera power through a separate connector. Both variants also offer a separate input/output port for triggering or flash control. And like all Basler cameras, the ace family comes with a long list of firmware features.

The ace series designed for industrial, medical, and traffic applications, you can enjoy a new class of digital cameras that will help you to be even more successful at what you do. The entry price level for the new ace Camera Link models opens up new fields for gigapixel applications, such as AOI inspection or other throughput orientated applications. A Camera Link camera of this size has never before provided such performance.

The ACA2040180KC cameras offer you clear advantages compared to classic Camera Link cameras with respect to size, weight, power consumption, temperature, and pixel output per second. This cost effectiveness opens up a new era of pricing in a camera class that used to be described as the “high end segment”.

Because the Basler ace uses the same 29 x 29 mm footprint that has been standard on analog cameras for many years, replacement of analog cameras is very easy. Some existing Camera Link cameras and IEEE 1394a or 1394b cameras with this same footprint can also be easily replaced. Because we have applied the same bottom mounting options to the Basler ace as seen on most standard analog cameras.

Basler has made mechanical replacement extremely simple. The use of a single cable to apply camera power and to transfer data between the Basler ace and a PC makes using the ACA2040-180KC cameras even more convenient. The trigger speed and latency have been greatly improved, making integration easy, even in time-critical applications.


  • ’ Camera Link interface for high throughput with PoCL
  • ’ VGA to 5 megapixels with selected high quality
  •  CCD and CMOS sensors


Resolution (H x V pixels) 2048 x 2048
Sensor CMOSIS CMV4000
Sensor Technology CMOS, Global Shutter
Sensor Size (optical) 1"
Pixel Size ( µm) 5.5 x 5.5 µm
Frame Rate (fps) 180
Mono/Color Color
Interface Camera Link Base/Medium or Full
Synchronization Via external trigger or free-run
Exposure Control Level controlled or programmable
Housing Size (L x W x H in mm) 43.5 x 29 x 29
Housing Temperature Up to 50 °C
Lens Mount C-mount
Digital I/O 1x GPIO
Power Requirements 12 VDC ( /- 10%), Power over Camera Link (PoCL) or via IO connector
Power Consumption (typical) < 3.0 W
Weight (typical) < 90 g
Conformity CE, FCC, RoHS, GenICam, Camera Link
Software Driver Basler pylon Release 2.3 or newer
API for Configuration Register API for C and VB6 or Basler pylon C API


Resources & Documents

basler-ace-avs.pdf Datasheet