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Sierra Video : 1616HD-3G

Shasta HD Routing Switcher

Sierra Video Routing Switchers

Sierra Video Routing Switchers


The Sierra Video Aspen 1616HD-3G routing switcher is a compact 1RU unit supporting digital video signals of SD-SDI (SMPTE 259M-C), HD-SDI (SMPTE 292M) and HD-3G (SMPTE 424M) video.
The Aspen 1616HD-3G comes with a standard front local control panel with colored buttons and front panel lockout. Remote control is also available using an RS-232/422 serial interface or an Ethernet port utilizing the built-in web pages for configuration and operation.


1616HD-3G features include:

  • High signal integrity supporting cable runs of 155m at 2.97Gb/s
  • Front control panel standard with multi-color buttons
  • Front panel lockout
  • Built-in GUI for configuration and operation via Ethernet, including Names, Salvos, Layers
  • Output reclockers, Input equalizers
  • External audio router control support (layers)


Level 800mV p-p +/- 10%
Timing Jitter SMPTE 424M ≤ 2.0UI
SMPTE 292 ≤ 1.0UI
SMPTE 259M ≤ 2.0UI
Alignment Jitter SMPTE 424M ≤ 0.3UI
SMPTE 292 ≤ 0.2UI
SMPTE 259M ≤ 0.2UI
Return Loss ≥ 15 db @ 1.485 Gbps
≥ 10 dB @ 2.97 Gbps

Resources & Documents

1616hd-3g.pdf Datasheet