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Marshall Electronics : OR-841-HDSDI

8.4″ Rack Mountable Camera-Top Portable Field Monitor

Marshall Broadcast Industrial Security LCD Monitor

Broadcast, Industrial & Security Products


The Marshall Electronics OR-841-HDSDI 8.4″ ORCHID® rack mountable / portable field monitor has all the features that customers have asked for and more. The OR 841 HDSDI is 4RU and has 9 user-assignable function keys as well as a rotary menu system. The built-in waveform monitor (which includes adjustable White and Black clip level indicators) can be displayed in three different aspect ratios including Full Screen.

The OR841HDSDI will also de-embed and display up to 16 channels of audio and allow the user to monitor any two channels at once through the headphone jack or rear line output jack. Also includes built-in front panel speaker and rear panel stereo input for audio monitoring. The 64-segment tri-color bar graph meters have user-adjustable reference levels. The OR-841-HDSDI comes standard with auto-sensing HD-SDI inputs and re-clocked output.

OR 841 HDSDI’s built-in Vectorscope displays in full color and can also be displayed in three different ratios. The Vectorscope has adjustable gain from 1x to 5x. This unit can be used in a rack, on a desktop, in the field, or mounted to a camera.


OR-841-HDSDI features include:

→ Real-Time Waveform Monitor
→ Real-Time Color Vectorscope
→ Auto White Balance Calibration
→ Sixteen 64-segment Tri-color Audio Meters
→ Tri-Color Tally Indicator
→ On-Screen Time Code
→ 7 assignable GPI inputs
→ Adjustable Color Temperature
→ Auto-Sensing Front Panel Headphone Jack
→ Auto-Sensing Rear Unbalanced Stereo Output
→ Adjustable Clipping Indicator
→ Precision Gamma Settings
→ Adjustable Color Temperature
→ Variety of Safety Markers
→ Supports 3 different Battery Adapters
→ Factory-installed Protective Screen
→ Adjustable / Detachable Stand with top handle


Display (Viewing Area) 8.4"
Resolution 1024 x 768
Aspect Ratio 4:3
Brightness (in cd/m²) 400
Contrast Ratio 500 to 1
Available Input Types HD-SDI x 2
Available Audio Output (per screen) 2 Stereo (3.5mm - Front and Rear)
Power Consumption 18W (1.5A)
Power Supply DC 12V 4-Pin XLR
Weight Approx. 4 lbs. (4.6 lbs. with Power Adapter)
Dimensions 8.6"W x 8.2 "H x 1.7"D
Available Battery Adapter Configurations "AB" - (Anton/Bauer) / "VM" - (V-Mount) / "SB" - (Sony B series)


Resources & Documents

or-841-hdsdi.pdf Datasheet