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Kowa : LMZ300AMPDC

1/3″ Format 5.5-165mm Focal Motorized Zoom Lens

By: Kowa

kowa security and factory automation lenses

Security and Factory Automation Lenses


Kowa’s LMZ300AMPDC Zoom High Resolution lenses are ideal for mid to long-range surveillance applications and are capable of near IR correction. The LMZ300AM lenses are available in DC, video, and 3 motor with/without presets.

The LMZ300AMPDC is a DC Auto-Iris Zoom Lens with Preset Fuction


Preset Function

Zoom Lens
Varied focal length

Auto-Iris (DC)
Automatically adjusts lens to varying lighting conditions

Metal Mount
Provides more durability than other materials, allows the lens perform even in difficult conditions


Specifications for the LMZ300AMPDC
Focal Length 5.5 - 165mm (30x)
Focal Length Sort Order 005.5
Lens Type Zoom
Image Size 1/3" (4.8 x 3.6 x 6mm)
Iris Range (F-Stop) F1.8 - 360
Focusing Range 1.8m
Flange Back 12.5mm in air
Back Focus 15.5mm in air
Filter Thread Size M72x0.75
Front/Rear Effective Diameter Front Φ60.0mm / Rear Φ10.5mm
Mount CS-mount
Weight 880g