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Electrophysics : IRE-640BB

High Performance Cooled Infrared Camera

products for infrared inspection, scientific imaging and night vision.

Infrared Inspection, Scientific Imaging, and Night vision


The IRE-640BB Sofradir EC infrared camera family harnesses the full performance of
the Sofradir Scorpio focal plane array while offering unique flexibility to meet the needs of any
application or OEM requirement. The cameras are available in mid-format
(320×256), large-format (640×512), and megapixel (1280×1024). The mid-format
Mars-based cameras have broad spectral response capabilities ranging from
SWIR (800nm-2.5μm), broadband MWIR (1.5-5μm), MWIR (3-5μm), LWIR (8-
10μm), and VLWIR (8-12μm). The Scorpio MW and LW and Jupiter MW based
cameras operate in the MWIR (3-5μm) and LWIR (8-10μm) regions. The engines
have a common connectivity and interface logic. The Mars, Scorpio and Jupiter
camera engines include an integrated detector/dewar/cooler assembly (IDDCA)
and electronics.

The camera electronics include camera and cooler controls modules. The
camera produces output signals that are uncorrected or corrected for nonuniformities
in an RS-170 video and 14-bit digital data format. Camera
communication is available over a serial (RS-232) interface. A 14-bit digital
data stream is available via LVDS and Camera Link as well as optionally Gigabit
Ethernet. With the optics options, the cameras can be customized to meet
any requirement. D*STAR, a digital storage, retrieval and image processing
Software Suite is available for infrared imaging research and development
applications. In addition, software developer toolkits (SDKs) and command
software modules are available for further flexibility.


High performance 320x256 imaging in SWIR/MWIR/LWIR/VLWIR with the 30µm Mars MCT array
On-board non-uniformity correction and bad pixel replacement
High performance 640x512 MWIR and LWIR imaging with the 15µm Scorpio MCT array
14-bit digital output via LVDS and Camera Link, Gigabit Ethernet optional
Megapixel performance 1280x1024 MWIR imaging with the 15µm Jupiter MCT array
RS-170 analog video output with symbology overlay capabilities
High frame rates (320Hz for 320x256; 120Hz for 640x512; 30Hz for 1280x1024)
Plug and play OEM operation
Multiple cooler configurations (both linear and rotary options)
Multiple SDKs


Infrared Focal Plane Array Sofradir Scorpio MWIR
Detector size 640x512
Pixel Pitch 15µm
Spectral Response 3.7-4.8µm (M); 1.5-5.1µm (BB)
Readout Snapshot Integration (ITR/IWR)
Thermal Resolution (NETD) < 20mK (15mK typical)
Gain Settings 1
Well Capacity 6.5 Me-
Quantum Efficiency > 90%
Operability > 99.5%
Subwindowing Dynamic and user definable to 132x1
Pixel Clock 40MHz
A/D 14-bit
Cold Shield F2.24 standard (M), F3.0 standard (BB). Other apertures also available.
Frame Rate (full frame) Variable 1 to 120Hz
Integration Time Control 480ns-20ms
Trigger/Sync 0-5V TTL in/out with delay
Digital Output Standard: LVDS and Camera Link. Optional: Gigabit Ethernet.
Analog Video Output RS-170
Video Symbology User definable for video output overlay
Non-uniformity Correction On board (4 tables)
Bad Pixel Replacement On board (4 tables)
Time Stamping IRIG-B time stamp on each frame (IRIG-B signal not provided)
Cooling Closed-cycle Stirling cooler (linear or rotary; multiple options)
Cool Down Time < 5 minutes @ 20°C; < 7 minutes @ 55°C
Weight w/o Lens < 4kg
Operational Temperature -30°C to 55°C
Shock MIL-SPEC 810G
Vibration MIL-SPEC 810G
Optical Mount Interface Standard: Bayonet, Optional: M80
User Interface Panel Optional. Standard connector interface for LVDS, Camera Link, GigE, Analog Video, Sync In/Out, IRIG, and power
Power Supply Included