I3 International : V48016
SRX DVR Embd Veo 480fps 16Ch DVD RW 1TB HD. (Upg W/extra HD)
Video Surveillance and Business Intelligence Solutions
The I3-International V48016 is an affordable entry-level digital surveillance video recorder running on an embedded operating system. Built with flexibility and adaptability in mind, the system accepts up to 16 camera inputs enabling fast frame rate recording, powerful playback, searching, and exporting capabilities.
Video can be viewed remotely or on a local area network with audio. H.264 video compression improves image viewing remotely and enables viewing multiple sites as well. Managers can choose between a traditional composite monitor, VGA, web software and even through a smartphone browser to view live video Local users can back up video via CD/DVD, USB drive or even a remote file server.
The front panel of the system uses buttons allowing simple navigation through Veos menus. A built-in S.M.A.R.T. alarm indicator will auto-detect and monitor your hard drives condition for added peace of mind. Live video and playback may be hidden while the unit records. For franchisers with multiple sites, a configuration setup can be saved to a USB drive and transferred to various systems in the field. A powerful replacement for the traditional VCR system; it will revolutionize the way you secure your business assets.
V48016 features include:
→ 16 channel digital video recorder
→ H.264 compression
→ Up to 480 images per second (IPS) recording rate
→ Support for continuous, motion, alarm, and scheduled recording
→ Pre- and post-alarm recording
→ Search by calendar & date/time (graphic time bar) or sensor & motion event per channel
→ Real frame playback never skips all the frames even while in fast forward & fast rewind
→ Audio playback will synchronize with video
→ Video viewing through web software and Smartphone
→ Accessories Option: RMB-Veo Rackmount Brackets
Resources & Documents
v48016-avs.pdf | Datasheet |