The JVC DLA-VS2200G and DLA-VS2200ZG are latest additions to the Visualization Series. They are designed for 2D simulation and offer improved native contrast, improved gamma tracking performance, and are equipped with a long life illumination system. Since the size is identical to previous models, they can be used as drop-in replacements for previous models.
→ 1920 x 1080 Native Resolution→ 3 Active Matrix, 0.7" Digital D-ILA Devices
→ >18,000:1 Contrast Ratio
→ Digital Smear Reduction via Black-frame Insertion
→ 23ms Frame Delay
→ 1080p60/50 Synchronous Operation
→ 850 ANSI Lumens (minimum)
→ 12-Bit Gamma Correction
→ 7- Axis Color Management System
→ 4000 hour, 230W Ultra High Pressure Lamp for Low Operating Cost
→ Rugged Chassis for Motion-Base Applications
→ 8 Step Lamp Aperture Control
→ Sim Specifi c D-ILA Devices
→ High Contrast IR output for stimulated NVG applications
→ User Adjustable Gamma Tracking
→ Long-life Wiregrid Polarizers
→ Long-life Inorganic Optical Components
→ Available 1.0:1 and 1.2:1 Fixed Lenses ±50% V Offset, ±25% H Offset (DLA-VS2200G)
→ Wide-Range Zoom Lens, 1.4-2.8:1 Throw Ratio ±80% V Offset, ±34% H Offset (DLA-VS2200ZG)
→ Flexible Orientation- ± 90 Deg. Pitch, ± 10 Deg. Roll
→ 11x11 Matrix, 1/16 pixel Micro-Convergence Control
→ Comprehensive LAN/RS232 Control Protocol
→ Confi guration Save/Restore Capability