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JAI : CB-080GE

(discontinued)XGA Color Version GigE Camera


JAI CCTV Machine Vision Industrial Medical Logo

CCD & CMOS Cameras


This product has been discontinued as of March, 2019. For an alternative solution, please contact sales.

The JAI CB-080GE is a Bayer mosaic color progressive scan camera with 0.8 million pixels resolution and GigE Vision interface.

The camera utilizes the Sony ICX204CCD to output 30 full frames/second in continuous (free-run) mode. Higher frame rates can be achieved by using the Partial Scan or Vertical binning modes.

The unique sequencer function makes it possible to change exposure time, gain and ROI on the fly.

And the CB-080GE programmable GPIO allows flexible configuration of inputs/outputs as well as the timer/counter function.


→ C3 Compact series
→ 1/3" Bayer mosaic color progressive scan camera
→ 1024 (h) x 768 (v) active pixels
→ 4.65μm square pixels
→ 30 frames/second with full resolution
→ Partial scan and vertical binning
→ Unique sequencer function
→ Programmable GPIO
→ GigE Vision interface

Resources & Documents

cm-080ge_cb-080ge.pdf Datasheet