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Morovision : MVPA-915006G

Astroscope 9350 Night Vision Adapter for DSLR Cameras

morovision night vision thermal imaging

Night Vision Thermal Imaging


The Morovision MVPA-915006G will allow you to Transform Nikon and Canon dSLR cameras into night vision photography systems with the Astroscope 9350. Capture high resolution images at night and in low-light/no-light situations otherwise too dark for unintensified digital cameras. Light amplification is equivalent to an 8-10 F-stop improvement so that moonlit or starlit scenes are transformed into bright images. Now available for full-format digital cameras and with variable gain.


Generation 3 US Pinnacle
Resolution 64 lp/mm (Min)
Film Thin-Filmed
Gate Auto-Gated
Battery Type None – Uses camera’s battery
Light Gathering Performance 8-10 f/ stop improvement
Warranty 1 year