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Morovision : MVPA-914838G

AstroScope 9350SCOPE Night Vision Pocketscope

morovision night vision thermal imaging

Night Vision Thermal Imaging


The Morovision MVPA-914838G combines cross-platform versatility with mission-flexibility, to supersede the abilities of common night vision monoculars. Its modular design and concept can be applied to a myriad of nighttime operations and applications. This scope can be used hand-held or tripod mounted as a night vision monocular for covert night-time observation. When the mission mandates that the scene be recorded, the Pocketscope can be deployed to operate as an image intensification module for a SLR type camera, or a camcorder based surveillance system.

The high resolution imaging system of the Pocketscope is built around a highly acclaimed 3rd generation intensifier tube rated with 64 lp/mm of resolution. The rugged housing is built to endure the rigors of actual field use and features a substantial collar for tripod mounting.

The 9350SCOPE is designed to be used with C-mount lenses, which are sold separately. An FLA (font lens adapter) can be employed to facilitate the attachment of a high-quality SLR type lens for superior imaging performance.


MVPA-914838G features include:

  • 1/4-20" Standard tripod mount
  • Accessory mount for IR illuminator
  • Field expedient multi-purpose modular design


Intensifier Tube 3rd Generation
Infrared Illuminator No
Magnification 1.0x
Angle of View Not applicable, dependent upon lens
Field-of-View (@ 1000 Yds) Not applicable, dependent upon lens
Minimum Focus Distance Not applicable, dependent upon lens choice
Lens System Accepts C-mount lenses
Power Source 2 "AAA" batteries
Waterproofing Waterproof
Dimensions 5.3 x 2.3 x 2.9" (135mm x 58mm x 74mm)
Weight 1.5 lb (680 g)