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Schneider Optics : 25-014780

Componon-S 4.0/80mm LEICA or V Mount Macro Lens

Schneider Optics Lenses and Filters

Machine Vision Optics Lenses and Filters


The Schneider Optics Componon S 4.0/80 (Part Number LEICA:11-014850, V-Mount 25-014780) is an 80 mm focal length macro lens with 80.6 mm image circle for large format sensors and short working distance. This macro lens is developed and corrected for the close-up range of 1:20 to 1:1 and can also be used in reverse position, depending on the field of vision and pixel size. 

The modular system with wide-ranging accessories such as helical focus barrel (Unifoc 7 and 12), extension tubes, and adapters for various cameras, can be used for all kind of sophisticated applications from OLED inspection to food processing control. The fast F/# of 4.0 and low longitudinal and lateral chromatic aberration, as well as extremely low distortion, make the Componon S 4.0/80 lens unique. Vibration insensitivity for stable imaging performance even when the lens used in harsh industrial environmental, as is common in food processing control and web inspection systems. 

Available Configurations

Model Part Number Filter Size Mount
Componon-S 4.0/80mm LEICA 25-014780 M43x0.75 LEICA
V-Mount Componon-S 4.0/80mm 11-014850 M37x0.75 V38



Key Features of the Componon-S 4.0/80

 Large Format

Short working distance

Possibility to be used in retro position

Vibration insensitivity for stable imaging performance


Specifications for the Componon-S 4.0/80
  LEICA Mount V38 Mount
Focal Length [mm] 80
Magnification -0.5
Image circle [mm] 80
Resolution [µm] 6.45
F/# range 4 … 22
NA 0.12
Interface LEICA V38
Working distance [mm] 219 ∞ – 220
AoV [°] 52
Focus control manual
Transmission [nm]  400 – 1000
Filter thread [mm] M43 x 0.75 M37x0.75
Dimensions L x D [mm] 43.3 x 46.0  41.6 x 47.0
Weight [g] 130 115
Storage temperature [°C] -25 … +70
f‘eff [mm] 80.34
SF [mm] -57.92
S‘F‘ [mm] 64.67
HH‘ [mm] -1.81
β‘ P 1.027
SEP [mm] 20.29
S‘AP [mm] -17.86
Σd [mm] 36.28
ID/Part Number 11-014850 25-014780


Resources & Documents

14780_componon_s4-0_80.pdf datasheet
14850_componon-s__4-0_80.pdf datasheet