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Datavideo : VP-634

100m SDI Repeater (Unpowered)

Datavideo Professional Consumer video production

Recorders, Switchers, Converters, & Chromakey


The Datavideo VP-634 is a SDI repeater to use with VP-633. Can extend the signal for up to 100m.


Also Available:

VPCASDI-4.5G                 Complete kit for 600 meter cable run with 4.5 GB SDI cables & repeaters. Kit includes: 1x VP-633, 5x VP-634, and 6x CASDI300-4.5 Belden 1505F black SDI cable.


Extend the capabilities of SDI cable

1 x VP-633 with 3x VP-634 SDI repeaters can each extend the range by a further 200m (high quality SDI cable)

SDI Repeaters can be used in a chain, allowing runs of up to 1000m with good quality SDI cable. 

Requires 1 x VP-633 in chain to supply power

Up to 3 VP-634 can be used with 1 x VP-633

3G, HD & SD-SDI Support