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Powered Fiber Base Station with Neutrik opticalCON Connectors & Clear-Com Compatability


jvc professional cameras camcorders recorders lcd

Professional Video & Security


The JVC RM-FP790PNCG Powered Fiber Base Station with Neutrik opticalCON Connectors & Clear-Com Compatability powers the JVC the FS-790PNASG or FS-790PNVCG fiber remote system used with your JVC FS-790 camera.


Available Configurations Include:

RM-FP790PNRG  Powered Fiber Base Station with Neutrik opticalCON Connectors & RTS Compatability

RM-FP790PSCG Powered Fiber Base Station with SMPTE 304 Connectors & Clear-Com Compatability

RM-FP790PSRG  Powered Fiber Base Station with SMPTE 304 Connectors & RTS Compatability

RM-FP790TNCG  Tactical (Non-Powered) Base Station with Neutrik OpticalConnectors & Clear-Com Compatability

RM-FP790TNRG  Tactical (Non-Powered) Base Station with Neutrik OpticalConnectors & RTS Compatability