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Colorado Video : COLORADO VIDEO 315T

Sync Separator, Video Sync Stripper, Video Sync Generator

colorado video

Video Instrumentation & Equipment to Analyze, Overlay, Mix, Measure, Combine, Compare, Capture, Freeze, Split, Flip and Invert Video Images.


The COLORADO VIDEO 315T is a cost-effective alternative to a genlockable sync generator. It can be used to synchronize video equipment requiring -4 volt or +5 volt synchronization pulses to other video equipment not providing such pulses.


    Horizontal Drive Output, 0 to +5 Volt
    Vertical Drive Output, 0 to +5 Volt
    Composite Sync Output, 0 to +5 Volt
    Field ID Output, 0 to +5 Volt
    Back Porch Output, 0 to +5 Volt
    No Signal Output, 0 to +5 Volt