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Colorado Video : 619HWY

Video Crossline (Cross Line) & Crosshair (Cross Hair) Generator 619HWY for Highway Line Striping

colorado video

Video Instrumentation & Equipment to Analyze, Overlay, Mix, Measure, Combine, Compare, Capture, Freeze, Split, Flip and Invert Video Images.


Equipped with carefully mounted video cameras, an adjustable video cross hair or cross line generator, and a video monitor in the cab, a highway line striping truck more easily puts highway stripes precisely where they belong with our video equipment.

The Coloardo Video 619HWY highway line striping video line generator equipment can superimpose or overlay horizontal and vertical lines onto a real-time video signal. The user can adjust the position of all lines by means of front panel controls. Switch settings allow the user to set the superimposed or overlayed lines to White, Black, or Off, dashed or solid lines, and one or two Horizontal & Vertical line sets.


Two Horizontal & Two Vertical Lines
    Lines Selectable: White, Black, or Off
    Lines Selectable: Solid or Dashed
    Selectable: One or Two H&V Line Sets
    Adjustable Line Position
    NTSC or PAL Composite Video
    75 Ohm BNC Input
    Small ABS Tabletop Style Case
    12 VDC Power