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Tokina : TVR1426HDIR

1″ C Mount 14-50mm Lens

By: Tokina

tokina cctv security surveillance lenses

CCTV Security Surveillance Lenses


The Tokina TVR1426HDIR is a 1″ megapixel lens with an aperture range of 2.6-16.


Image Format(inch) 1
Mount C
Focal Length(mm) 14-50
Aperture Range(F) F2.6 - 16
Angle of View(Horizontal x Vertical) Wide 50.5°x38.0°
Tele 14.5°x11.1°
M.O.D(m) 1.2
Back Focal Length(mm) 13.995
Dimensions(W x H x L) Φ60.0x90mm
Weight(g) 390
Operating Temperature Range(℃) -10℃ ~ +50℃
Operating Iris Manual
Focus Manual
Zoom Manual
Note 8Mega Pixel