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Kowa : LM12HC-V

Kowa LM12HC-V 1″ 12.5mm F1.4/F2.8/F4/F8 C-Mount Lens, 2 Megapixel Rated, Ruggedized

By: Kowa

kowa security and factory automation lenses

Security and Factory Automation Lenses


Kowa’s new LM12HC-V and the whole HC-V series is made for use in high vibration and high shock environments. With a design based on Kowa’s standard 1″ HC lenses, the new ruggedized LM12HC-V megapixel lens series is ideal for applications that require increased durability and high optical performance.


The Kowa LM12HC-V is megapixel lens with interchangeable iris plates and two way reversible nut for focus adjustment.
All internal lens elements are glued and encased in a metal mount and metal housing.


Megapixel Lens
Interchangeable iris plates
Two way reversible nut for focus adjustment
All internal lens elements glued
Metal mount
Metal housing


Specifications for the LM12HC-V

Focal Length 12.5mm
Focal Length Sort Order 012.5
Lens Type Fixed Focal Length
Image Size 1" (12.8 x 9.6 x 16mm)
Iris Range (F-Stop) F1.4/F4/F8/F16
Angle of View 1/1.8" (Hor. x Ver. x Dia.) 32.1 x 24.2 x 39.9°
Angle of View 2/3" (Hor. x Ver. x Dia.) 39.1 x 29.8 x 47.8°
Angle of View 1" (Hor. x Ver. x Dia.) 55.6 x 42.5 x 67.6°
TV Distortion -1.58%
Minimum Object Focus Distance (1/1.8") (Hor. x Ver. x Dia.) 180.6 x 134.6 x 227.7mm
Minimum Object Focus Distance (2/3") (Hor. x Ver. x Dia.) 222.4 x 165.2 x 281.3mm
Minimum Object Focus Distance (1") (Hor. x Ver. x Dia.) 330.6 x 243.5 x 420.6mm
Focusing Range 0.3m
Flange Back 17.526mm in air
Back Focus 12.6mm in air
Filter Thread Size M35.5x0.5
Front/Rear Effective Diameter Front Φ28.1mm / Rear Φ17.5mm
Mount C-mount
Exit Pupil Location -45.9mm
Temperature Range -10°C ~ +50°C
Storage Temperature Range -20°C ~ +60°C
Resolution: Center/Corner Center 120lp/mm / Corner 100lp/mm
Weight 130g
Iris Control Manual-Iris