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Toshiba Teli : BC302LMC

3.1MP Color Camera Link Camera

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Industrial Imaging System Solutions


The Toshiba Teli BC302LMC is an integrated-(one-body)-type camera that adopts all pixel data readout. The BC302LMC features Sony Pregius IMX265 CMOS sensor. Can achieve 56.13 frames per second

BC302LMCG: 3.1MP Color CameraLink Camera with dust-proof glass

BC302LMCF: 3.1MP Color CameraLink Camera with IR cut filter



  • Super high speed response with new IP core 'TELI Core Technology' (no CPU) system
  • With Sony's ultra high image quality CMOS sensor
  • 3.1M (IMX265): 56fps (8bit/3tap)
  • 2,048(H) x 1,536(V) Pixels
  • Pixel size: 3.45(H) x 3.45(V) µm
  • Global Shutter Type
  • PoCL (Power over Camera Link) / Base configuration
  • Comm. Protocol: Legacy (legacy register), GenCP (IIDC2 register)


Model BC302LMCG/ BC302LMCF
Chroma Color
Pixels 3.1MP
Interface Camera Link Version1.2 (PoCL/Non-PoCL) / Base configuration
Imager 1/1.8 type GS-CMOS (IMX265)
Resolution 2048(H) x 1536(V)
Max. Frame Rate(all pixels readout) 53.16 fps (Mono8/ 3tap/ 83MHz)
52 fps (Mono8 / 2tap / 83MHz)
Aspect Ratio 4:3
Pixel Size 3.45(H) x 3.45(V) µm
Scan Method Progressive
On-chip Color Filter RGB primary color mosaic
Electronic Shutter Manual (Global Shutter)
Random Trigger Shutter (Global Shutter)
Standard Sensitivity 700 lx, F5.6, 1/52 s
Minimum Sensitivity(Video Level 50%) 6 lx
(F1.4, Gain +24dB)
Image Output Format Base Configuration
Tap Number 1 / 2 / 3 tap
Data Format Bayer 8 / 10 / 12 bit
Data Bit Depth 8 / 10 / 12 bit
Pixel Clock (Camera Link) 41.5 / 64 / 83 MHz
Pixel Readout Mode All pixel, Scalable, Binning
Trigger Type External Trigger
Trigger Shutter Mode Edge / Level / Bulk (max 255 times)
Sequential Shutter 16 entry (max)
Exposure Time 30 µs to 16 s (MANUAL)
30 µs to 16 s (Edge or Bulk Mode)
50 µs to Trigger width (Level Mode)
Gain 0 to +24dB (MANUAL)
Black Level -25 to +25%
White Balance Manual, One-push, AWB
CG: N/A, CF:2,500 to 6,500 K
Gamma/LUT γ= 1.0 to 0.45/ In 12 bit, Out 12 bit
Image Rotation Mirroring, Flip
Test Pattern


Communication Protocol Legacy / GenCP-IIDC2 mode
Baud Rate 9,600/115,200/921,600 bps (Data: 8 bit, no parity, Start bit:1 bit, Stop bit: 1 bit, No Flow Control)
External Trigger Input 1 channel (CC1)
GPIO Input Output In: 1 channel /LVTTL - 24V, In/Out: 1 channel selectable / 5V-CMOS, Out: 1channel / 5V-CMOS
GPO Output Signals Timer0 Active / User Ouput / Exposure Active / Frame Active / Frame Transfer / Frame Trigger Wait
Power Supply DC +12 V +/- 10% (PoCL of HIROSE connector)
Power Consumption 1.8W
Lens Mount C Mount
Dust-proof Glass/ IR Cut Filter CG: with Dust-proof Glass (AR Coating)
CF: with IR cut filter
Dimensions/ Mass 29(W) x 29(H) x26.5(D) mm (Not including Protrusion) 
Operation Assurance Temperature: -5°C to 45°C 
Humidity: 10% to 90%  (no condensation)
Conformity CE, FCC, KC, RoHS, WEEE, GenICam(GenCP Ver1.0), IIDC2(Ver1.1.0)