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Opto Engineering : EN10MPL1220

10 Megapixel high resolution fixed focal lens for 4/3” sensors, focal length 12 mm

Optical Imaging Technologies for Machine Vision


Calculated at minimum object distance. Working distance: distance between the front end of the mechanics and the object. Value calculated at the corner point of the sensor diagonal. For distortion graphs see datasheet Measured from the front end of the mechanics to the camera flange at infinite focusing.


Main optical specifications
Focal length(mm)12
Magnification (1)(x)0.069
Image circle diameter(mm)23.0
Max sensor size4/3″
Angle of view
Object field of view
2/3” (1)122.83 x 102.46
1” (1)179.77 x 142.05
4/3" (1)273.55 x 153.32
Advanced optical specifications
Working distance range (2)(m)0.15 - inf
ƒ/N2.0 - 22
Back focal length(mm)18.93
Distortion on 2/3" (3)(%)1.77
Distortion on 1" (3)(%)1.78
Distortion on 4/3" (3)(%)2.4
Mechanical specifications
Iris controlManual
Focus controlManual
Filter threadM77 x 0.75
Outer diameter(mm)80.0
Length (4)(mm)84.4
Environmental specifications
Operating temperature(°C)-10-+50