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Nitek : VB41X8

Video Balun Transceiver Card For Twisted Pair Up To 750 Feet (225 Meters)

By: Nitek

Nitek utps, video baluns, twisted pairs, hubs

Video Transmission Solutions


The Nitek Video Balun Card for Twisted Pair VB41x8 modular card is designed for use with the modular rack system. Each card has 8 video balun units, built-in surge protection and video loss detection.

The Nitek video baluns are transmission devices that provide a low cost means of sending live video over unshielded twisted pair, point-to-point wiring for distances of up to 750 feet (225 meters). The Nitek video baluns are also compatible with all of the up-the-coax control systems.

A basic system would require one unit at each end of a twisted pair of wires. The Nitek video baluns are intended for use over existing in house telephone wiring, Category 5 wiring or other twisted pair cable runs to provide a convenient, cost-effective alternative to coax. Nitek video baluns are designed to provide immunity from noise and interference, even when running next to line power!

The VB41x8 plugs into the VH3200 card cage, which holds up to four (4) modular cards. This modular plug-in feature allows the system to be custom configured for each application and provides easy expandability.


VB41X8 features include:

  • Quality video over ordinary twisted pair cable
  • Built-in surge suppression
  • Immunity to noise and interference
  • Built-in video loss detection
  • Video & P/T/Z over a single pair (with up-the-coax systems)
  • RJ45 or push terminals for easy connection


Size 1 card slot
Twisted Pair Input (8) Balenced low voltage current loop
Output (8) 1vpp composite video monochrome or color
Common Mode Rejection 60dB
Video Format RS170, NTSC, PAL, SECAM, CCIR (Color or B/W)
Operating Frequency DC to 10 MHz
UTP Category Unshielded Category cabling
Wire Size 26 to 12 AWG unshielded twisted pair
Transient Immunity Built-in
Shipping Weight 1 lb


Resources & Documents

vb41x8_spec.pdf Datasheet