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Fujinon : YV4.3X2.8SA-2

3 Megapixel Varifocal Lens

Fujinon Lenses Logo

Optics for Medical, Security, Industrial & Motion Picture


The Fujinon YV4.3X2.8SA 2 3Megapixel Vari-Focal Lens comes with a manual iris and a metal mount. The YV4.3X2.8SA2 lens also has a back focal distance of 7.83mm in the air and an exit pupil position of 455mm from image plane.



YV4.3X2.8SA-2 features include:

→ Vari-Focal: Variable magnification lens with manually controllable angle. It functions as if you have multiple fixed focal lenses.
→ Video Auto Iris: Auto iris supporting video-controlled cameras.
→ Telephoto Long Focal: Telephoto lens with the ability to zoom.
→ For Megapixel Camera (3 Megapixel): High performance lens to achieve the optimum resolution of mega pixel camera.
→ Manual Iris: Manually-operated iris.
→ CS Mount: Screw-in mounting commonly used in security lenses.
→ Metal Mount: Metal mounting with high accuracy and durability.
→ Aspherical Lens: Adopts the aspheric lens technologies developed in the most advanced lenses for broadcasting.
→ Wide Aperture Rate (F1.4): Lens with the wide aperature rate, optimizing the sensitivity of cameras.


Mount CS
Focal length 2.8 mm - 12 mm (4.3x)
Focus Manual
Iris Range F1.4 - Close
Iris Manual
Zoom Manual
Back Focal Distance (In Air) 7.83 mm
Exit Pupil Position (From Image Plane) 455 mm
Object Dimensions at M.O.D. 4 3 Aspect Ratio: 1/3" = 753 mm x 476 mm (Wide), 131 mm x 98 mm (Tele); 1/4" = 476 mm x 329 mm mm (Wide), 98 mm x 73 mm (Tele)
Object Dimensions at M.O.D. 16 9 Aspect Ratio: 1/3" = 895 mm x 365 mm (Wide), 143 mm x 80 mm (Tele); 1/4" = 538 mm x 260 mm (Wide), 106 mm x 60 mm (Tele)
Angular Field of View 4 3 Aspect Ratio: 1/3" = 100°02′ x 74°03′ (Wide), 23°26′ x 17°36′ (Tele); 1/4" = 74°03′ x 55°06′ (Wide), 17°36′ x 13°13′ (Tele)
Angular Field of View 16 9 Aspect Ratio: 1/3" = 109°33′ x 60°80′ (Wide), 25°31′ x 14°23′ (Tele); 1/4" = 80°56′ x 44°51′ (Wide), 19°10′ x 10°48′ (Tele)
Focusing Range (From Front of the Lens) ∞ - 0.3 m
Mass 80 g

Resources & Documents

yv4.3x2.8sa-2-avs.pdf Spec Sheet