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Kowa : LMZ111M3R

1/3″ 6~60mm Zoom 3-Motor Lens

By: Kowa

kowa security and factory automation lenses

Security and Factory Automation Lenses


Kowa’s LMZ111M3R  Zoom High Resolution lenses are ideal for mid to long-range surveillance applications and are capable of near IR correction. The LMZ111AM lenses are available in DC, video, and 3 motor with/without presets.

LMZ111M3R is a 3 motor Motorized zoom lens


Zoom Lens
Varied focal length

3 Motor

Metal Mount
Provides more durability than other materials, allows the lens perform even in difficult conditions


Specifications for the LMZ111M3R
Focal Length 6 - 60mm (10x)
Focal Length Sort Order 006
Lens Type Zoom
Image Size 1/3" (4.8 x 3.6 x 6mm)
Iris Range (F-Stop) F1.6 - 360
Focusing Range 1.2m
Flange Back 12.5mm in air
Back Focus 9.55mm in air
Filter Thread Size M55x0.75
Front/Rear Effective Diameter Front Φ46.0mm / Rear Φ10.6mm
Mount CS-mount
Weight 550g